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AddFile Method
Adds a file to the list of files to be downloaded.
Long AddFile( String url, String fileSize, String
displayFileName, String savePath,
Long segmentCount,
String referer,
String userName,
String password,
Integer options
) |
url Type: String The URL of the file to be downloaded. The
url must start with one of the following network protocol designators:
- "http://" - HTTP protocol
- "https://" - HTTPS protocol (secure HTTP, HTTP over SSL)
- "ftp://" - FTP protocol
- "ftps://" - Secure FTP, FTP over SSL
fileSize Type: String The file size (in bytes) of the file to be
downloaded. The value specified is initially displayed in the File Size
column in the file list while the file is waiting to be downloaded, it can also
be set to "-1". Once the file starts downloading from the server, the File Size
column in the file list is updated with the real file size. Even though the
fileSize is of String type (to support large file sizes - up to 263
bytes), valid values are integer values specifying the
file size in bytes.
displayFileName Type: String Friendly file name that is
displayed in the File Name column in the file list. It can also be set to
"" (empty string) in which case the file name taken from the
url is displayed in the File Name column in the file list.
savePath Type: String The save path of the downloaded file. The
savePath can be of the following forms:
- "" or "\" - The dialog box will appear where the user will choose
the save
folder and file name.
- "\{save_file_name}" - The dialog box will appear where the user will choose
the save folder for the specified save file name {save_file_name}. If the CommonSaveFolder
property is set to true, then the save folder choosen will be used for all files
in the file list with this form of the
savePath parameter, meaning the dialog box for choosing folder will
appear only once.
- "{save_folder}\" - The specified save folder {save_folder} will be used and
the save file name will be taken from the
url parameter. No dialog box is displayed.
- "{save_folder_and_file_name}" - The specified save folder and file name
{save_folder_and_file_name} will be used. No dialog box is displayed.
segmentCount Type: Long The number of segments the file is split
into before it gets downloaded. Each file segment is downloaded in a separate
thread at the same time in order to speed up file download. The value of 2 to 3
file segments should be fine in most cases. But please note that sometimes when
downloading huge files, depending on the server and its settings, specifying
number of segments greater than 1 can introduce initial delay on the server of
up to few minutes before download will begin. The MinFileSegmentSize property
designates the minimum segment size which is used to prevent splitting files
into segments smaller than this value.
referer Type: String The referer parameter used in HTTP/HTTPS
requests. It can also be set to "" (empty string).
userName Type: String The user name of the login credentials in
case authentication is required on the server, otherwise set it to "" (empty
password Type: String The password of the login credentials in
case authentication is required on the server, otherwise set it to "" (empty
options Type: Integer The additional options:
- 0 - Explicit FTPS is used if the
url parameter designates secure FTP (FTPS) protocol.
- 1 - Implicit FTPS is used if the
url parameter designates secure FTP (FTPS) protocol.
In all other cases, the options parameter is not important and can be set to 0.
Return Value
Type: Long
If the method succeeds, the return value is a file ID which
can be used with other DownloadX methods to retrieve additional information for
a file. If the method fails, the return value is -1. To get extended error
information, call GetLastError and GetLastErrorDesc methods.
For an example, see Downloading files with the DownloadX control.