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Columns Property

Gets or sets a value designating which columns (indicators) will be displayed for each file being downloaded.

String Columns

Property Value

Type: String

A string designating columns (indicators) to be displayed for each file being downloaded. The default is "0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11".


The Columns property contains semicolon separated column IDs of the columns that should be displayed. The sequence of the column IDs specified determines the sequence of the columns displayed. Valid column IDs are:

  • 0 - File name
  • 1 - File size (in KB)
  • 2 - Downloaded size (in KB)
  • 3 - Downloaded percent
  • 4 - Downloaded time
  • 5 - Remain size (in KB)
  • 6 - Remain percent
  • 7 - Remain time
  • 8 - Rate (in KB/s)
  • 9 - URL path only
  • 10 - URL
  • 11 - Number of file segments


To display only the file name, rate and remain size columns in that sequence, set the Columns property to "0;8;5".